David Guy Kono

David Guy Kono © Martina Gimplinger

David Guy Kono

Schauspieler, Performer, Tänzer

Actor/performer/dancer – Dortmund, Germany
Participant International Forum 2019

David Guy Kono was born in Douala. After completing his training as an actor, dancer and puppeteer in 2005, he was distinguished as the best actor at the festival Théâtralement Votre in 2009. With the Bochum company kainkollektiv, Kono worked on plays like “Fin de Mission”, an exploration of the traces of colonialism in Europe. In 2015, he developed the performance “no title” as part of the programme “The Incantation of the Disquieting Muse” by SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin. In this piece, he explored a range of perspectives on the body and the process of rendering the soul invisible. In 2017, David Guy Kono created the performance “Lah Kâm” as part of the MusraraMix Festival in Jerusalem, which addresses the tension field between the internal and the external. At the FAVORITEN festival in Dortmund, he developed the performance “tchâ. sol. Boden” together with Antoine Effroy, investigating the historic parallelism of wealth and exploitation. In 2018, David Guy Kono received the Advancement Award of the State of North-Rhine-Westphalia for Young Artists.

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