Portrait of Valeria Heintges

Valeria Heintges © private

Valeria Heintges

Valeria Heintges was born in Düsseldorf in 1968 and has been living in Zurich since 2010. She studied German philology as well as history and philosophy in Münster/Westfalen and Freiburg/Breisgau and worked as an arts editor with a focus on theatre in Dresden and St. Gallen. From 2016 to 2018, she was a jury member at Solothurner Literaturtage. She is the editor in charge of theatre for Republik – the digital magazine for politics, economics, society and culture, and writes as a freelance author for media including nachtkritik.de, Theater heute, NZZ am Sonntag and the titles of the CH Media group.  

Stand: January 2024