Stefan Kaegi

Stefan Kaegi

Stefan Kaegi

Stefan Kaegi, based in Switzerland and Berlin, co-produces works with Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel, under the label Rimini Protokoll. Using research, public auditions and conceptual processes, they give voice to “experts” who are not trained actors but have something to tell. Diplomatic protocols have been core to a number of their works: for Burgtheater in Vienna they developed “Schwarzenbergplatz” with experts like the former Austrian ambassador to China, an ex-consul of Austria in Nigeria, a driver of OPEC and the owner of a shop that has been producing national flags for generations. For Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg they collaborated with politicians and experts on climate change to stage a “World Climate Conference” involving the audience in 196 UN delegations. In Zürich they re-enacted the Davos Summit of the World Economic Forum on a stage in the shape of an ice hockey rink. At Münchner Kammerspiele they organised their own “Security Conference” with experts from countries like Afghanistan, Somalia and Greece. Other recent works include the multi-player video piece “Situation Rooms”, “100% Berlin” with 100 local citizens on stage, and “Utopolis” for 48 portable loudspeakers, which opened in Manchester International Festival. More and more they also create works for museums: The Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) recently showed their eco-installation “win > <win” as well as their immersive walkable movie “Urban Nature”. In summer 2023 Berliner Festspiele presented „Shared Landscapes. Seven pieces between fields and forests“.

As of: August 2023

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