Saba-Nur Cheema © David Bachar
Saba-Nur Cheema, born in Frankfurt in 1987, is the daughter of Pakistani refugees. She studied political science, history and economics. From 2015–2021, she was the educational director of the Anne Frank Educational Centre in Frankfurt and from 2020 a member of the German government's Independent Expert Group on Anti-Muslim Hatred. Saba Nur-Cheema is a research associate at Goethe University Frankfurt and researches anti-Semitism in childhood. Together with Meron Mendel and Sina Arnold, she published the volume “Frenemies. Antisemitism, Racism and their Critics” (Verbrecher Verlag) in 2022. Cheema is a member of the board of trustees of the Goethe-Institut.
Meron Mendel and Saba-Nur Cheema have been involved in Jewish-Muslim dialogue for years, working against anti-Semitism and hostility towards Muslims and focusing in particular on the impact of the Middle East conflict on our coexistence in Germany. Together they write the monthly column “Muslim-Jewish Evening Meal” in the FAZ.
As of: February 2024