Bahzad Sulaiman © Christoph Holz
Performer, Künstler
Visual artist, theatre maker – Saarbrücken, Germany
Participant International Forum 2020/2021/2022
Bahzad Sulaiman, born 1991, is a Kurdish artist and performance maker from the far northeast of Syria. He has been living in Germany since 2016 and has a Bachelor’s degree in Sculpture from the University of the Arts and a Bachelor’s degree in Stage Design from the Theatre Academy in Damascus. In July 2019, he received his Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the HBKsaar – Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, where he has now a lectureship in Performing Arts. Installation and performance are the focal points on which he has worked in recent years. His work deals with the concept of body, space and partly improvisational forms of movement. With sound and without sound components, however, it is possible to use the body as an instrument in space, to create a dialogue between the body and the spectator, and to create a relationship between several elements. This includes the relationship between perception and the body as sculpture mass in this spatial context. His interdisciplinary work has been shown across Germany, UK, France, Austria, Spain, Serbia, Netherlands, Turkey, Canada and Syria. One piece was the performance “Mikro-Kaosmos” at sparte4 of Saarländisches Stadttheater in Saarbrücken (2020).