Ulrich Rasche

Ulrich Rasche © private

Ulrich Rasche

Ulrich Rasche made a name for himself as a director with formally severe choral projects. After studying history of art, he worked at theatres including Staatstheater Stuttgart, Wiener Festwochen, Volksbühne Berlin, Schauspiel Frankfurt, Deutsches Theater Berlin and Vienna’s Burgtheater. After highly acclaimed productions at various theatres, Ulrich Rasche succeeded with Friedrich Schiller’s “Die Räuber” which opened the 2016/17 season at the Munich Residenztheater. Christine Dössel wrote in Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Rasche’s Räuber-endeavour is a synthesis of the performing arts and stands out boldly from the usual repertoire.” His staging of “Die Räuber” was consequently invited to the 2017 Theatertreffen, and Theater heute voted him Stage Designer of the Year in the same year. In 2018, Rasche was again invited to Theatertreffen, this time with his production of “Woyzeck” (Theater Basel). His production of “Die Perser” by Aeschylus (a co-production of Schauspiel Frankfurt and Salzburger Festspiele) received the 2018 NESTROY-award for the best production in the German-language region. His Dresden production of “Das große Heft” was Ulrich Rasche’s third work in a row to be invited to Theatertreffen. 

In 2019, Ulrich Rasche opened the season at Vienna’s Burgtheater with “Die Bakchen”. This was followed by productions at Deutsches Theater Berlin and the Munich Residenztheater. At the Grand Théâtre de Genève, he celebrated his debut as an opera director with “Elektra” by Richard Strauss in early 2022. For the set of this production, he received the 2023 Oper! Award for the Best Set Design. In the summer of 2022, he also created the production “Agamemnon”, a co-production of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival and Munich’s Residenztheater. With Georg Büchner’s “Leonce und Lena”, Ulrich Rasche returned to Deutsches Theater Berlin in January 2023. In the same year, he received the Hein-Heckroth-Set Design-Award, and his staging of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s “Nathan der Weise”, which was invited to the 2024 Theatertreffen, celebrated its premiere at Salzburger Festspiele.

Stand: March 2024