Thomas Freyer

Thomas Freyer © Matthias Horn

Thomas Freyer


Dramatist Thomas Freyer was invited to the Stückemarkt with “Amoklauf mein Kinderspiel” (Killing Spree My Children’s Game) in 2006 which won the New Playwriting Prize. His other plays include “Und in den Nächten liegen wir stumm” (And At Night We Lie Silently), “Im Rücken die Stadt” and “Das halbe Meer”. After his ‘A’ levels, he attended the Paul Maar Seminar in Wolfenbüttel and studied Creative Writing for the Stage at the Berlin University of the Arts from 2002 to 2006. The radio play version of “Amoklauf mein Kinderspiel”, produced by the RBB, won the Prix Europa. Freyer won the Dramatists’ Prize from the Cultural Commission of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) in 2006 and the Schiller Memorial Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg in 2007.

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