Miriam Coretta Schulte

Miriam Coretta Schulte © Thomas Giger

Miriam Coretta Schulte

Regisseurin, Performerin

Director/performer – Basel, Switzerland
Participant International Forum 2019

Miriam Coretta Schulte was born in Frankfurt/Main in 1987 and studied Theatre Studies and Directing in Hildesheim, Paris 8 and Paris 10. In her work, she often focuses on the potential and powerlessness of bodies and body fictions. One example is the mnemo-technique “Hack-No-Tech”, which she designed together with Catalina Insignares in Paris and has since elaborated further in workshops. For “a night called layla”, she worked with Roth/Hilari/Wilhelm to develop dance techniques to learn Arabic at the festival Treibstoff Theatertage in Basel, 2017. In 2018, she spent three months in Cairo, thanks to the support of the Swiss Cultural Foundation Pro Helvetia. There she began to develop the project “Mimesia”, a research format in alternating forms and constellations, which explores the question of whether the process of admiration can be translated into an empowering practise. In 2016, she also founded the first “Blasphemic Reading Soirées” in Basel, a performative, feminist reading group, which she currently organises and hosts together with Katharina Brandl.

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