Samia Zennadi
Samia Zennadi is an archaeologist by training and a publisher, based in Algeria. She is a member of the organizing committee of the International Festival of Literature and Youth Book (2008 to 2010). She is responsible for “L'Espace Panaf” at the 15th International Book Fair of Algiers during which she initiated a literary magazine “L’Afrique parle livres” (Africa speaks books). Zennadi is the author of a paper “Camus’s caravan, or domestication by culture”, which follows the protest against the Camus caravan to Algeria project: “Alert to the anticolonialist consciences”, which she co-wrote. She organized in Algiers in “Esprit Frantz Fanon”, a residency of writing on the actuality of the thought of Fanon. She is a publisher and author of a book on the art of carpeting in Algeria. Zennadi organized, in collaboration with the Third World Forum and the World Forum of Alternatives, the event “The South, what alternatives?” She is currently planning an anniversary event in Algeria to commemorate the 1973 Nonaligned Summit.
As of February 2019.