Margarita Tsomou
Dr. Margarita Tsomou is Greek and holds a doctorate in Cultural Studies. She works as author/journalist, dramaturg, presenter and curator and is mainly based in Berlin. Since January 2019, she has been Curator for Theory and Discourse at HAU – Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin. She is the publisher of the pop feminist “Missy Magazine” and writes for print and radio (“Die Zeit”, “taz”, “Spex”, “Frankfurter Rundschau”, WDR, SWR and others). She regularly participates as speaker and presenter in panel discussions with guests like Chantal Mouffe, Josef Vogl, Saskia Sassen, Diedrich Diederichsen and Annie Sprinkle. On 13 October 2018, she hosted the stage programme of the demonstration #UNTEILBAR. She is curator of discussion events, among her most recent projects are the conference “Heimatphantasien – zur Konjunktur der Konzepte Heimat und Nation” (2018) at the International Summer Festival Kampnagel and the event series “Apatride Society” as part of the discursive programme of Paul B. Preciado at documenta 14. In February 2018, she received her doctorate as scholar of the artistic-scientific graduate college “Versammlung und Teilhabe: Urban Public Spheres and Performative Arts” (HafenCity University Hamburg/Fundus Theater/Kampnagel). She is part of the artistic-activist group Schwabinggrad Ballett and the publishing house bbooks Berlin. She works on queer feminism and sexuality, political art, performance theory, new media and democracy theory in the context of the Greek debt crisis.
As of February 2019