Thea Dorn

Thea Dorn © Barbara Niggl Radloff

Thea Dorn


Author Thea Dorn was invited to the Stückemarkt in 1999 with the play “Marleni. Preußische Diven blond wie Stahl”. After studying philosophy and theatre studies, she began work as a research assistant at the FU Berlin. Later, she worked as a dramaturge at the Schauspiel Hannover. She has written novels, including “Die Hirnkönigin” (The Brain Queen) which was published in 1999 and “Mädchenmörder. Ein Liebesroman” in 2008, as well as stage plays, film scripts and essays. In 2011, her historico-cultural investigation “Die deutsche Seele” was published in co-authorship with Richard Wagner. Thea Dorn has been a presenter of the “Literatur im Foyer” programme on the TV channel SWR Fernsehen since 2004. In 2012, she curated the forum:autoren at the Munich Literature Festival.

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