Irene Misselwitz
Irene Misselwitz was born in Leipzig in 1945 and worked as an analyst and psychotherapist in her own practice in Jena, Thuringia from 1993–2014. Before that, she had worked as neurologist at the University Psychiatric Clinic Jena for 23 years and as a group therapist since 1978. At present, she also works for MediNetz Thüringen e.V. and as a doctor and an expert in refugee aid. From 1989–2008, she was a trainer for group self-experience. She is a founding analyst and teaching analyst at the Institute for Psychotherapy and Applied Psychoanalysis e.V. in Thuringia with headquarters in Jena. She is also a member of the following professional associations: DAGG, DPV, DGPT, DPPMP. Her scientific interests comprise: group phenomena between ethnic groups (e.g. East – West, Jews – Germans), psychohistorical contexts, i.e. ripple effects of the Nazi and GDR periods or the defensive and coping phenomena within groups, society and individuals.
As of February 2019.