Rabea Edel

Rabea Edel, born in 1982, is a writer and photographer. Her debut novel “Das Wasser, in dem wir schlafen” was published in 2006, the second novel “Ein dunkler Moment” in 2011 by Luchterhand Literaturverlag. She studied literature in Italy and photography at the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie, among others with Sven Marquardt and Ute Mahler. As an artist she works in projects at the interface between art, cultural industries and journalism, as well as in collaborations with other artists. In 2021, her radio play “Ihre Geister sehen” (Deutschlandfunk, with Sandra Hüller) won the Audience Award of the ARD Radiotage. In 2021, her photo art book “A Second Beating Heart” was published by SHIFT BOOKS and was shortlisted by Stiftung Buchkunst.

Awards (selection): Belfast Photo Festival 2021, shortlisted Portrait of Humanity 2021, Roger Ballen MasterClass 2019, fellow at Alfred-Döblin-Haus 2018, artist in residence at Goethe-Institut Ljubljana 2016, working scholarship literature of the state of Lower Saxony 2016, city writer in Beijing at Goethe-Institut 2015, Research Fellowship of the Berlin Senate 2015, Working Fellowship of the German Literature Fund 2014, Fellowship of the Berlin Senate 2013, Fellow of the Künstlerhaus Edenkoben 2012, Fellow at Deutsche Akademie Rom Villa Massimo Casa Baldi 2009, Literature Prizes Berlin 2007, Nicolas-Born-Förderpreis 2007, Winner of the 12. open mike 2004, Treffen junger Autor*innen 1996 and 1998.

As of: November 2023

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