Florian Malzacher is a free-lance curator, dramaturg, author and host of the series “The Art of Assembly”. From 2012 to 2017, he was the artistic director of Impulse Theater Festival; prior to that, he was head dramaturg/curator of the festival steirischer herbst. His publications include “Not Just a Mirror. Looking for the Political Theatre of Today” (ed., published by Alexander Verlag Berlin, 2015) and “Empty Stages, Crowded Flats. Performativity as Curatorial Strategy” (ed. with Joanna Warsza, Alexander Verlag Berlin, 2017) as well as monographs on theatre makers like Forced Entertainment, Rimini Protokoll, Nature Theatre of Oklahoma and others. His book “Gesellschaftsspiele. Politisches Theater heute” was published by Alexander Verlag Berlin in 2020. His texts have been translated into more than 15 languages.
At the 2024 Theatertreffen, Florian Malzacher will host the newly developed Audience Talks, the 28th edition of “The Art of Assembly” entitled “Was tun? Vom Umgang mit neurechten Kulturkämpfen” (What Can We Do? On Dealing with New Right-Wing Culture Struggles) as well as the Concluding Jury Discussion.
Stand: April 2024