Lola Fonsèque

Lola Fonsèque © Ramona Reuter

Lola Fonsèque

Theatermacher*in, Kurator*in

Theatre maker, curator – Munich, Germany
Participant International Forum 2020/2021

Following a degree in Philosophy from the Université Paris Nanterre and training as a Physical Actor in Berlin, Lola Fonsèque has been working as a theatre maker and curator in Berlin and Munich.

Lola Fonsèque employs queer theories, aesthetics and politics to subvert social and theatrical norms. The site-specific performance “Flush me Harder” (2018) explores the politics of liquids and the subconscious of the heterosexual genital safety in modern toilet spaces.

In 2019, Lola Fonsèque founded the collective Kammerqueers, which intends to create queer spaces for creative and political activism in Munich, with performances, workshops, festivals (including “Wuss 3000” at Münchner Kammerspiele) in various institutions. The collective endeavours to break through the linearity of a constricted present by disassembling existing narratives, creating new fictions and communicating practices of subversion.

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