Opera / Semi-staged Performance

Monteverdi Choir, Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique

Only Performance in Germany

Dinis Sousa, conductor
Berlioz: Les Troyens

A spacious staircase lined with antique columns

Hoppenrade 1970s © Estate of Sibylle Bergemann / OSTKREUZ / Courtesy Loock Galerie

The Trojans are back in Berlin! Under the direction of Dinis Sousa, Monteverdi Choir and Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique present “Les Troyens” by Hector Berlioz in a semi-staged performance – the only German date in their 2023 European tour. This monumental opera, which was never performed in full during the composer’s lifetime, can now be heard in its entirety in Berlin for only the third time, after 1930 and 2010.

The performance will now be conducted by Dinis Sousa.
Tothe Press Release

In “Les Troyens” Hector Berlioz tells the story of Virgil’s heroes of the Trojan War, including events both before and after the war. In his five-act opera, the French Romantic composer successfully presented the great characters of ancient myth as living, feeling human beings – with a music of visionary beauty and imposing lyricism. The first complete performance was given in December 1890 on two consecutive evenings at the Court Theatre in Karlsruhe – because this musical tragedy contains enough material for two theatrical works. Part One focuses on Cassandre, the soothsayer barely mentioned by Virgil, who is unable to persuade the Trojans of the dangers of the wooden horse. Part Two tells of the tragic fate of Didon. She loves Énée, the tragic hero who has escaped from Troy, who ultimately abandons her in order to fulfil the gods’ mission of founding Rome. “Can you imagine”, Berlioz wrote in July 1856 to Princess Sayn-Wittgenstein, at whose prompting the five-act opera was written: “I have fallen in love, deeply in love, with the Queen of Carthage! I worship her, this magnificent Dido!” Monteverdi Choir, Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique and Dinis Sousa, who has been associated with the ensembles for many years as Associate Conductor, present a semi-staged performance of “Les Troyens” by Hector Berlioz – the only German date in their 2023 European tour. This monumental opera, which was never performed in full during the composer’s lifetime, can now be heard in its entirety in Berlin for only the third time, after 1930 and 2010. The role of Cassandre will be sung by Alice Coote – the “superlative British Mezzo” (San Francisco Chronicle). Didon will be performed by the Irish vocalist Paula Murrihy, who is thrilling international audiences with “her brilliant soprano-like mezzo” (Opernglas).

Concert Programme

Hector Berlioz (1803 – 1869)
Les Troyens
Grand Opéra in five acts (1856 – 1858)

Libretto by Hector Berlioz after Vergil’s Aeneid

Semi-staged Performance


Cassandre Alice Cootemezzo soprano
Énée Michael Spyrestenor
Didon Paula Murrihymezzo soprano
Chorèbe / Sentinelle I Lionel Lhotebaritone
Ascagne Adèle Charvetmezzo soprano
Panthée / A Greek Chieftain Ashley Richesbass-baritone
Anna Beth Taylormezzo soprano
Iopas / Hylas Laurence Kilsbytenor
Hécube Rebecca Evanssoprano
Hector / Sentinelle II / Mercure / Narbal Alex Rosenbass
 Tristan Hambletonbass baritone
Graham Neal* – tenor
Un soldat
 Sam Evans* – baritone

Monteverdi Choir
Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique
Dinis Sousaconductor

*Monteverdi Choir soloists

Tess Gibbs – movement director
Rick Fisherlighting designer 

16:10, South Foyer
Work introduction

Programmebooklet “Les Troyens” 1.9.2023


A Berliner Festspiele / Musikfest Berlin event