Art, discourse & parliament
with Boris Buden, Naika Foroutan, Srećko Horvat, Thomas Krüger, Lorenzo Marsili, Vijay Prashad, Bénédicte Savoy, Anna Stiede, Karen Taylor, Margarita Tsomou & Yanis Varoufakis
in the evening:
Musikpalast: stargaze live mixtape for the PEOPLE
with Astronautalis, Tyondai Braxton, Buke and Gase, Anna Calvi, Cantus Domus, Arone Dyer, Andi Haberl (The Notwist) & Kaj Duncan David, Anja Plaschg (Soap&Skin) & stargaze
stargaze © Emanuel Florakis
After remembering the progressive ideas of the transformative year 1989, the “Palast der Republik” will end with considerations on how to renew the social contract and close in the evening with the “Musikpalast”, a live mixtape that represents both a laboratory and a live seminar for the very latest in music.
15:00 h, Vorbühne
ca. 180 min
There is an Alternative
Neue Allianzen für ein anderes Europa
Parliamentary hearing
in German & English with simultaneous translationwith Boris Buden, Naika Foroutan, Srećko Horvat, Thomas Krüger, Lorenzo Marsili, Helge Peters, Vijay Prashad, Bénédicte Savoy, Karen Taylor, Anna Stiede, Yanis Varoufakis a.o.
Moderation: Sebastian Kaiser & Margarita Tsomou (HAU – Hebbel am Ufer)
After remembering the progressive ideas of the transformative year 1989 the “Palast der Republik” ends on Sunday by considering how to renew the social contract. This opens with a lecture by Yanis Varoufakis, economist and former Finance Minister of Greece. Either Europe will be democratised, or it will fall apart. This is the slogan under which he co-founded the Europe-wide movement DiEM25 in 2016, which will now be the first transnational party in the elections to the European parliament. Varoufakis himself will campaign as the leading candidate for the German party Democracy in Europe. Afterwards the palace will be transformed into a parliament of the future. In brief presentations philosophers, activists, historians will put forward elements of a transnational constitution or electable European initiatives. The concluding panel will search for ways forward and form alliances against the right wing populists closing ranks and the neoliberal mantra that there is no alternative.
19:00 h, Hauptbühne
ca. 2140 min
stargaze live mixtape for the PEOPLE
with Astronautalis, Tyondai Braxton, Buke and Gase, Anna Calvi, Cantus Domus, Arone Dyer, Andi Haberl (The Notwist) & Kaj Duncan David, Anja Plaschg (Soap&Skin) & s t a r g a z e
Curator: André de Ridder
This evening concert curated by André de Ridder is both a tribute and the revival and future vision of a form that has almost died out: the “Musikpalast” consists of a compered interaction between a series of different artists and bands. These play each other their music in swift succession, rather like being in a large rehearsal room or studio that is open to the public. The audience gathers around these islands, becoming part of a “band camp” that may feel quite familiar to visitors to the now legendary PEOPLE festival held at Funkhaus Nalepastraße. In a Berlin premiere the former Battles frontman Tyondai Braxton presents his new solo album, while Greg Saunier, drummer and composer with the band Deerhoof, has written a remake of the Fugazi album “In On The Killtaker” for the members of the contemporary classical collective s t a r g a z e as a commission for the Brighton Festival. Anna Calvi, Anja Plaschg (Soap&Skin) and Arone Dyer pay their respects to David Bowie complete with a choir and orchestra, performing songs from his final album “Blackstar” and – for the first time live – “Warszawa”, a track he composed in Berlin together with Brian Eno. The Brooklyn duo, Buke and Gase, also featuring Arone Dyer, will also present their latest album, developing their futuristic form of indie pop played on self-made instruments even further. The Notwist percussionist Andi Haberl will collaborate for the first time with the Danish electronic and new music composer Kaj Duncan David, and the Berlin choir Cantus Domus will sing Caroline Shaw’s “Courante” from the young, Pulitzer prize-winning American composer’s “Partita”. Over three and a half hours of constant interchange between the participating musicians will create the unbroken flow of a live mixtape that represents both a laboratory and a live seminar for the very newest music.