In the event format “Netzkultur” workshops, discussion, lectures and events were organised at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele to discuss aspects of how the reality of our lives has been changed by the digital era.
A series of events presented by the Berliner Festspiele and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education)
Curated by Nikola Richter
Netzkultur is an event format by the Berliner Festspiele in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education. Workshops, discussion, lectures and events are organised at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele to discuss aspects of how the reality of our lives has been changed by the digital era. The series sees itself in its essence as the defender of a net utopia that has become lost in this age of data scandals, issues of net neutrality and censorship. It has become almost impossible to avoid the net and it is therefore all the more important to rise to its challenges, understand how it works and be a part of its design.
The Netzkultur events will present the cultural aspects of the digital political world using themes that everyone is faced with in everyday life: the security of data and data exchange, digital identities, and new types of political opinion-forming and organisation. The opening conference in winter 2013/14 has explored the effects, opportunities and challenges of the “digital turn” for the art and cultural scenes. Both via and with the internet, subcultures are formed. It is a tool that artists may either reject or use.
Where should we distance ourselves and where should we get on board? What kind of net culture do we want? The discussion continues.
Nikola Richter
Curator of Netzkultur
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Technology evolution – Where we come from (German website)
By and with Anatopia, Ralf Bremer, Helena Hauff, Holger Hiller, Petra Löffler, Frank Schirrmacher, Stephan Thiel, Ranga Yogeshwar, Juli Zeh and others
Saturday, 18 January 2014
The Silent Masses (German website)
With Wikileaks, Bitcoins, Nightmare Participation, Angela Richter, Rachel Coldicutt, Geert Lovink, Koenigleopold and many more
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Identity sucks … (German website)
With Granaton, Maike Hank, Mey Lean Kronemann, Dr. Reyhan Şahin aka Lady Bitch Ray, Tao Lin, Tristan Marquardt, Miriam Meckel, Jonas Mekas, Momus, Anne Roth, Daniela Seel and many more
Wednesday, 13 August 2014: Literarischer Gameathon in Köln
Sunday, 14 September 2014: Über das Heute von gestern und das Morgen von heute
Sunday, 14 September 2014: Welcome to our level
Friday 21 November 2014: Ist das Kunst oder kriminell? (discussion), Mehr als „was mit Twitter“ (workshop)
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, bpb