Based on the novel by Alfred Döblin
Berlin Alexanderplatz © Bert Neumann / LSD Bilderdienst
Freshly released from prison in 1920s Berlin, Franz Biberkopf wants to become an upstanding citizen. But before long, he is back on his old turf in the “Scheunenviertel” neighbourhood with its dives, small-time criminals and prostitutes, and is run over by a car. Seventy-five years after the publication of Alfred Döblin’s “Berlin Alexanderplatz”, Frank Castorf is staging his new version not far from the novel’s original settings, at a location charged with symbolism for the Berlin of today – the gutted Palast der Republik.
Directed by / Adaptation Frank Castorf
Set and Costume Design Bert Neumann
Lighting Design Lothar Baumgarte
Dramaturgy Bruno Hitz, Jutta Wangemann
Franz Biberkopf Max Hopp
Mieze Bibiana Beglau
Reinhold Marc Hosemann
Karl Ueli Jäggi
Herbert Alexander Scheer
Eva Iris Minich
Pums Hendrik Arnst
Willi Herbert Fritsch
Cilly Rosa Galina
Trude Ludmila Skripkina
Berlin Alexanderplatz is a production of Frank Castorf based on the production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich (2001) / Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in cooperation with spielzeiteuropa | Berliner Festspiele.