The jury of the Stückemarkt 2019

The jury of the Stückemarkt 2019 © Fabian Schellhorn

Stückemarkt Jury 2019

The Stückemarkt jury consists of artists from a wide range of disciplines. From all works submitted following an Open Call in a given year, they select five works to be presented during the Theatertreffen in a format corresponding with their artistic form. The members of the Stückemarkt-jury rotate each year.

In 2019, the jury consisted of:

Mette Ingvartsen
Choreographer and dancer – Brussels, Belgium

Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Playwright – New York, USA

Amir Reza Koohestani
Director and playwright – Tehran, Iran

Wiebke Puls
Actor – Munich, Germany

Maria Nübling
Dramaturg and director of Stückemarkt – Berlin, Germany