Team 2014

The Theatertreffen team 2014

Head of Theatertreffen Yvonne Büdenhölzer

Project Coordination Susanne Albrecht, Katharina Fritzsche (replacement head of project coordination 2014), Albrecht Grüß, Barbara Seegert (head of project coordination), Katharina Wendt, Anneke Wiesner (assistant head of Theatertreffen)

Trainees David Heiligers, Sophia Neubert, Rufina Rudolph, Lasse Scheiba

Director Stückemarkt Verena Harzer, Christina Zintl (maternity leave)
Assistant Katrin Schmitz

Production Manager Internationales Forum Uwe Gössel
Assistant Söke Sofia Tonat

Production Manager Theatertreffen-Blog Bianca Praetorius
Editorial assistance Eefke Kleimann

Design Festival Centre Heike Schuppelius
Assistance Michaela Boschert

Music counselor Martin Hossbach

Editor magazine Barbara Behrendt

Venue Manager Karsten Neßler

Artist support Eva Döhne