Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Verrücktes Blut [Mad Blood]

By Nurkan Erpulat und Jens Hillje
Based on a theme from the film “La journée de la jupe” by Jean-Paul Lilienfeld

Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin / Ruhrtriennale

World premiere 2 September 2010, Gebläsehalle, Duisburg
Premiere 9 September 2010, Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin

Verrücktes Blut

Verrücktes Blut © Ute Langkafel

Audience discussion Thu 12 May 22:10
Moderation Barbara Burckhardt

Bitterly cruel theatre about good people, if there can be such a thing: a German teacher gets carried away on the spur of the moment and brings a load of Turkish kids who don’t want to integrate closer to Schiller by holding a gun to their heads. The perfect answer to the youth court judge Kirsten Heisig with Uma Thurman, who does not disagree with Sarrazin yet manages to make him look like what he is – the chief accountant of hysteria about foreigners. The plot always has a new surprise up its sleeve with which to undermine the clichés which have just blossomed into full authenticity. The collaboration of Jens Hillje and his experience with well-made-plays ever since ‘Baracke’ times is clearly evident. And the acting company at the Ballhaus Naunynstraße are amazing: precise performances with a rich knowledge of the milieu, above all from Sesede Terziyan as the teacher drunk on absolute power, shooting her learning objectives from the hip. Terroristic educational theatre that’s not afraid of contradiction and therefore doesn’t lie to anyone.

Franz Wille


Directed by – Nurkan Erpulat
Stage and Costume Design – ​​​​​​​Magda Willi
Lighting Design – ​​​​​​​Hans Leser
Conductor – ​​​​​​​Tobias Schwencke
Dramaturgy – ​​​​​​​Jens Hillje

Sesede Terziyan and
Nora Rim Abdel-Maksoud, Erol Afşin, Emre Aksızoğlu, Tamer Arslan, Sohel Altan G., Rahel Johanna Jankowski, Gregor Löbel