Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions


By William Shakespeare
German translation by Thomas Brasch
(Original title: The Tragedy of Macbeth)
In a version by Karin Henkel and Jeroen Versteele

Münchner Kammerspiele

Premiere 18 June 2011


Macbeth. Jana Schulz © Julian Röder

Karin Henkel makes a principle of uncertainty. Only Jana Schulz is allowed to play Macbeth alone, the four other actors divide the rest of the cast between them. And in a way that makes the least possible sense from a widely-held ethical point of view.

Public discussion 8th May 2012, 22:00
Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Kubus
Moderation Tobi Müller

Out of the play’s overt concern with good and evil, we get morally fragile characters, threatening to fall apart at any time. And from the very start Jana Schulz leaves no-one in any doubt about what kind of effort Macbeth, who is relieved to have survived the war, requires to bring thought and feeling together into any kind of functioning unity. She presents a shivering bundle held together by a few masculine poses, so deeply disturbed by the violence and slaughter of battle that any reliable sense of self has evaporated. After two short hours without a break, a different ‘Macbeth’ is related to the usual portrait of a villain: a shrill ballad of traumatised warriors who have lost any moral compass and for which they cannot even be criticised.

Directed by Karin Henkel
Stage design Muriel Gerstner
Costume design Tina Kloempken
Lighting design Stephan Mariani
Sound Moritz Hirsch
Dramaturgy Jeroen Versteele

Macbeth Jana Schulz
Lady Macbeth / Malcolm / Witch Katja Bürkle
Banquo / Banquo’s Ghost / Murderer Benny Claessens
Duncan / Macduff / Lady Macduff / Fleance / Witch / Murderer Stefan Merki
Entourage / Macduff’s son / Maid / Witch / Murderer Kate Strong