Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Murmel Murmel

By Dieter Roth

Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin

Premiere 28 March 2012

Murmel Murmel

Murmel Murmel © Thomas Aurin

Launch party 5 May 2013, following the performance
Grüner Salon
with DJ Pixie

Public discussion 12 May 2013, 22:45
with the ensemble and Christine Wahl (jury)
Moderation Barbara Burckhardt

The text has never been at the centre of Herbert Fritsch’s work. In “Murmel Murmel”, Fritsch has finally liberated himself, his actors and the audience from the burden of words and meaning: The result is 70 minutes of acrobatic physical theatre, splendid slapstick comedy and rhythmical dance gymnastics, supported by musician Ingo Günther and his marimbaphone.

If you want, you can see this as a satirical comment on today’s hysterical, overexcited turbo-society, saying nothing in an incessant blahblahblah – but that isn’t really necessary. Why not simply enjoy the sublime events on stage, Victoria Behr’s dazzling Sixties’ costumes, Fritsch’s psychedelically surging set, which joins the dance and sets the rhythm for this Dadaistic art trip? Fritsch reminds us what the theatre is first and foremost: a colourful show with live people. And yet, in all its hysteria, the constant mumblings of the actors, at times solo, at others in a chorus, have something meditative about them.

Directed by Herbert Fritsch
Stage design Herbert Fritsch
Costume design Victoria Behr
Music Ingo Günther
Lighting design Torsten König
Dramaturgy Sabrina Zwach

Florian Anderer, Matthias Buss , Werner Eng, Ingo Günther, Jonas Hien, Simon Jensen, Wolfram Koch, Annika Meier, Anne Ratte-Polle, Bastian Reiber, Stefan Staudinger, Axel Wandtke