Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Dionysos Stadt (Dionysos City)

Antikenprojekt von Christopher Rüping

Devised by Christopher Rüping

Münchner Kammerspiele

World Premiere 6 October 2018

Video trailer © Münchner Kammerspiele

In his nearly ten-hour-long marathon of ancient theatre, “Dionysos Stadt”, Christopher Rüping not only tells the story of mankind, but also revives the tradition of the ancient theatre as a gathering and a celebration for the people.

Sat, 11 May, 13:15 moderated introduction in German with English translation
Public discussion on 12 May, following the performance

10 hours of theatre about Prometheus, Achilles, Cassandra, Electra and Odysseus, about the power of the gods and goddesses, the curse of the Atrides, never ending wars. What do the problems of the ancient Greeks have to do with us? More than you’d think! Director Christopher Rüping and the actors bring the characters, texts and political conditions of Greek drama to the present. And not only do they tell old stories in a contemporary manner, they also revive the traditions of ancient theatre as a celebration and gathering of the people. A frenzy for all the senses.

Jury Statement

How often can we say that we remember even months later exactly how we felt during a theatre performance, how we laughed and marvelled, how at times we felt like mere bystanders, only to be carried away again moments later, how we felt like such integral parts of the experience? In “Dionysos Stadt”, a ten-hour marathon of ancient Greek theatre, Christopher Rüping tells the story of mankind who receive the gift of fire from Prometheus to create, and use it only to pillage and plunder. Fed by a variety of old and new sources, this journey takes us from the myth of Prometheus via the Trojan War to its fallout manifested in the family tragedy of the “Oresteia”. In the satyr play, we finally encounter a modern hero: the melancholy football-god Zinédine Zidane and his fall during the World Cup finals of 2006. The individual parts of the production are separated by extensive intervals and hospitality. Because the evening’s sophisticated dramaturgy is almost surpassed by its character of a grand festivity. With a decidedly casual air, the actors invite their audience to join them, to settle on the stage at times, to move closer to the events. It is a great and relaxed piece of theatre. The rediscovery of conviviality.


Directed by Christopher Rüping
Stage Design Jonathan Mertz
Costume Design Lene Schwind
Music Jonas Holle, Matze Pröllochs
Video Susanne Steinmassl
Lighting Design Christian Schweig, Stephan Mariani
Dramaturgy Valerie Göhring, Matthias Pees
Host & Environment Felix Lübkemann

Maja Beckmann, Majd Feddah, Nils Kahnwald, Gro Swantje Kohlhof, Wiebke Mollenhauer, Jochen Noch, Matze Pröllochs, Benjamin Radjaipour

The performance in Berlin is supported by the Cultural Office of City of Munich.