Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Oratorium (Oratorio)

Kollektive Andacht zu einem wohlgehüteten Geheimnis (A collective mediation on a well-kept secret)

A She She Pop production
Co-production HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Festival Theaterformen, Münchner Kammerspiele, Schauspiel Stuttgart, Kaserne Basel, Schauspiel Leipzig, Kampnagel Hamburg, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, FFT Düsseldorf, Konfrontacje Teatralne Festival Lublin, ACT Independent Theater Festival Sofia

Premiere Berlin 9 February 2018

Video trailer © She She Pop

In the work of She She Pop, who celebrated their 25th anniversary last year, the political always nests inside the private, inside the biographical material. This time, the performance collective zeros in on the topics of money, property and shame.

So, 5 May Awarding of the Theatre Prize Berlin by Preußische Seehandlung Foundation to She She Pop
Public discussion on 12 May, following the performance

Further Dates
3 and 4 October 2019, 20:00

Property alters consciousness. It separates friends, it bestows power over others, it excludes. Property is an everyday thing. And we don’t talk about it. Really? She She Pop couldn’t care less about conventions: Together with the choir of local delegates and the audience, they drag the secrets of property onto the stage. Inspired by Brecht’s Lehrstück (didactic play) theory, they present a theatre show in dialogue form and create disunited speaking choruses with audience participation, who address how we deal with property and its consequences.

Jury Statement

It’s not proper to talk about money. The performance collective She She Pop couldn’t care less and sets out to explore the topics of private property, inequality and shame. The “we” that is evoked everywhere becomes almost automatically evident. The audience is invited to participate: Initially as a choir of citizens with a prescribed text which results in a dialogue that is as enlightening as it is hilarious. Later, they are asked to reveal themselves as heirs and heiresses on stage. But nobody is made to feel bad, everyone is welcome. She She Pop forms the audience into a polyphonic choir, executing the promised “Collective meditation on a well-kept secret” in their musically balanced oratory. The piece reveres Brecht and his poetics of didactic plays just as much as it pokes fun at them. Like always in She She Pop’s work, the political nestles inside the private, in the biographical material. The revolutionarily beautiful costumes by Lea Søvsø can serve as a flag or as a cape. And the actors on stage are just as versatile. In short: A show that asks the right questions and refuses to accept any glib answers.


By and with She She Pop (Sebastian Bark, Johanna Freiburg, Fanni Halmburger, Lisa Lucassen, Mieke Matzke, Ilia Papatheodorou, Berit Stumpf as well as the Choir of the Local Delegates
The Choir of the Local Delegates Susanne Scholl, Saioa Alvarez Ruiz, Brigitte Cuvelier, Jean Chaize, Wenke Seemann, Antonio Cerezo, Jan Sobolewski

Stage Design Sandra Fox
Costume Design Lea Søvsø
Conductor Max Knoth
Trumpet Richard Koch
Vibraphone Karl Ivar Refseth
Artistic Collaboration Ruschka Steininger
Associate Dramaturgs Peggy Maedler, Annett Gröschner

Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa