Performance | Stückemarkt

Estado Vegetal

By Manuela Infante (Chile)

Manuela Infante © Fundación Teatro a Mil

Manuela Infante © Fundación Teatro a Mil

This one-woman-show proposes a radical change of perspective: What can we learn from plants with regard to climate catastrophes?

“Estado Vegetal” is a poetically philosophical one-woman show that deals with the revolutionary thinking of plant philosopher Michael Marder and plant neurologist Stefano Mancuso. Manuela Infante investigates the intelligence of plants, the vegetative nerve system and the communication between plants, and proposes a radical change of perspective: In the face of changing eco-systems and climate catastrophes, what can we as humans learn from plants? What would a social system based on the communication systems of plants look like? Or: What would a “vegetal theatre” be? With “Estado Vegetal”, Infante invites us to leave our anthropocentric logics behind and to go on a journey to the world of plants.


Concept, Text, Dramaturgy, Realisation, Sound Design Manuela Infante
Text, Dramaturgy, Acting Marcela Salinas
Design Rocío Hernández
Production Carmina Infante
Prop Design Ignacia Pizarro
Voice Recording Pol del Sur
Translation Bruce Gibbons, Alex Ripp & British Council Chile
Technical Assistant, Surtitle Operator Alex Waghorn
Technical Manager, Light Operator Rocío Hernández

Coproduction Nave, Centro de Creación y Residencia & Fundación Theatro a Mil
The performance in Berlin is supported by the Goethe-Institut.