Content Notes

Alerts to sensitive or health-related content

Our content notes are intended to make you aware when the Berliner Festspiele’s events and programmes may contain potentially distressing content. Some of the topics that we or our artistic partners have deemed to be paticularly sensitive include physical or sexual violence, death, addiction, suicide and the use of (artificial) blood.

This page also contains information about effects that are used, for example stroboscopic light, that could make a visit more difficult or affect those with certain health conditions.

This information is provided in order to give potential visitors the opportunity to make their own decisions on whether they wish to engage with the relevant topics and/or whether the event is suitable for them. So-called content notes frequently reveal elements of what happens in events in advance. For this reason, everyone should be able to decide for themselves whether to open up the notes or not.
As there is a broad spectrum of distressing content, the evaluation and extent of content notes may vary. The provision and wording of the notes are the result of a joint process with our partners and the artists concerned.  

If you have questions or feedback, please contact our ticket office by sending an email to or by phoning +49 30 254 89 100 any day between 11:00 and 17:00. Our staff at the venue will also be available to talk to you and can be approached at any time.

Bucket List

This production of “Bucket List” addresses:


  • the topics of terror, death and war.

Die Vaterlosen

This production of “Die Vaterlosen” contains:


  • the use of alarm guns.

Extra Life

This production of “Extra Life” contains:


  • Strobe lighting
  • Laser effects

and addresses:

  • Sexualised violence

Nathan der Weise

This production of “Nathan der Weise” contains:


  • Strobe lighting
  • Artificial fog
  • Artificial steam (Haze)

Riesenhaft in Mittelerde™

This production of “Riesenhaft in Mittelerde”TM contains:


  • Artificial fog
  • Artificial steam (Haze)


This production of “ÜBERGEWICHT, unwichtig: UNFORM” contains:


  • Strobe lighting
  • Explicit representations of violence (artificial and exaggerated)
  • Swearwords and vulgar language
  • Sound effects that evoke violent and sexualised acts