Award Ceremony

Theatre-Award-Berlin by Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung

Awarded to Nele Hertling

Portrait of Nele Hertling

Nele Hertling © Inge Zimmermann

Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung bestows the Theatre-Award-Berlin to Nele Hertling. She is honoured for her services to the theatre, particularly her achievements as a dramaturg, curator and artistic director and for founding several funding bodies and networks.

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This event will be followed by a reception.

The Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung has awarded the Theatre-Award-Berlin since 1988. The Theatre-Award-Berlin is accompanied by the award of 20,000 Euro and is intended to recognise persons who have made a significant contribution to the German-speaking theatre through their life’s work or outstanding individual achievements. From the jury’s statement on their decision to bestow the award to Nele Hertling:

“For over 60 years, Nele Hertling has transformed Berlin. With radical contemporary art and artists, whose independent and idiosyncratic work she has supported, facilitated, promoted and accompanied. For which she has delivered spaces and opportunities, continuities and effectiveness. And for which she has invented, initiated, founded or redefined cultural institutions, festivals, funding bodies, networks and partnerships. […] As a dramaturg, curator and artistic director Nele Hertling defined each of these professional fields in new way. She championed alternative and groundbreaking production methods in the performing arts outside the city and state theatres to the advantage of independent producers, and with the Hebbel Theater, which would susequently become the HAU, she launched one of Europe’s leading international production houses.”

The prize jury was made up by Theresa Luise Gindlstrasser (member of the Theatertreffen jury until the end of 2023), Matthias Pees (director of Berliner Festspiele), Prof. Dr. Matthias Warstat (theatre researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin) and, in an advisory capacity, Nora Hertlein-Hull (new director of Theatertreffen) and Carolin Hochleichter (former member of the Theatertreffen leading team).
The award will be handed out by the Governing Mayor of Berlin and member of the board of Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung Kai Wegner, this year represented by Joe Chialo, Senator for Culture and Social Cohesion of the state of Berlin.

All award winners since 1988


Nele HertlingDramaturg, Curator, Artistic Director
Joe Chialo – Senator for Culture and Social Cohesion of the state of Berlin

Congratulatory words by
Edith Clever, Ivan Liška, Dr. Johannes Odenthal, Barrie Kosky, Matthias Pees, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Hortensia Völckers, Robert Wilson

The event is hosted by
Dr. Johannes Odenthal

A StiftungPreußische Seehandlung event, funded by the state of Berlin.