Selection 2025

The selection for the Theatertreffen der Jugend 2025 has been finalised.
Congratulations to the selected ensembles!

In a nationwide competition, 60 ensembles applied for this year’s Theatertreffen der Jugend. The jury selected 18 productions for the interim selection, which they then experienced in live viewings. The jurors have now made the final selection. 

Congratulations to the 2025 award winners:

Piccolo Theater Jugendklub
Cottbus, Brandenburg

A project of the series Schule.Spiel.Theater
Cooperation between the Haarentor Vocational School, the Training Centre for Technology and Design and the Oldenburg State Theatre
Oldenburg, Lower Saxony

Global Player
Theater des Bellevue di Monaco 
Munich, Bavaria

Play development by and with young people from Weimar and the surrounding area
Junges DNT
Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar and Staatskapelle
Weimar, Thuringia

My Body is a Cage
Based on “Faust 1” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Leistungszentrum Schwarzer Kasten
Groß-Bieberau, Hesse

Nur die Freiheit?
Based on “Die Räuber” by Friedrich Schiller
Theatergruppe am Goethe-Gymnasium – TaGGS
Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Project Fear
Jugendensemble 24
jugendtheaterwerkstatt Spandau e.V

Performance created as part of the “UNART” festival and in co-operation with the Staatsschauspiel Dresden
Dresden, Saxony

We would like to thank the jury for their conscientious and dedicated work: Antigone Akgün (Frankfurt/Main), Jelena Bosanac (Berlin), Fernando da Ponte (Rotenburg, Wümme), Canip Gündoğdu (Bielefeld), Andreas Kroder (Kiel), Mai-An Nguyen (Berlin), Rieke Oberländer (Bremen), David Paraschiv (Berlin), Rahmatallah Ramzi (Magdeburg), Lene Wollwerth (Braunschweig).

The works in the selection were created in the most diverse production contexts of young theatre art: in schools, in collaborations between schools and theatres, in youth clubs at state theatres or children’s and youth theatres, at independent theatres, at youth cultural institutions or community stages. The young theatre makers research, write texts, examine their own family biographies and adapt classics, design stage sets and shoot videos. 

Her play developments become performances and theatre collages in which energetic ensembles position themselves in relation to their content and often interact with the audience. The dominant theme is fear: fear of the system in which we live, of the events and catastrophes that come thick and fast, fear of war, poverty and failure, fear of manipulation and being overwhelmed by social media. There are questions about equal opportunities in terms of gender, location and the family into which people are born. How do the global players of the big football business relate to the global players of the international market economy and why can global players overcome all borders with ease, while others can't even make it across the next border with their passport? The concept of freedom is reflected upon in the context of growing up, breaking away from parents and their authority, but also in the context of migration stories and war experiences. Classics, modern texts and Greek legends serve as a frame of reference in which individual positions are developed and original texts are created. The ensembles often bring international perspectives and express themselves on stage in many different languages. They also set strong musical accents: there is a lot of live music on stage, many of which was composed by the young performers themselves

The Delegates of the Ensembles of the Shortlist

We would also like to congratulate the ensembles in the interim selection once again and look forward to welcoming the delegates to the 2025 Theatertreffen der Jugend.

Auf die Fresse 
ACADEMY Bühnenkunstschule und Produktionslabor

Theatrical research in the footsteps of those affected by Nazi eugenics crimes in Thuringia
Cooperation between stellwerk junges theatre, Lernort Weimar e.V., the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Kunstfest Weimar as part of the “beredtes Schweigen” project
Weimar, Thuringia

Concord Floral
By Jordan Tannahill
Theater-AG of the Gymnasium der Oscar-Paret-Schule in Freiberg am Neckar

Die besten Jahre deines Lebens
Jugendclub “DIE AKTIONIST*INNEN” of the Maxim Gorki Theater

Die Leiden der jungen Werte
Based on “Die Leiden des jungen Werther” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Junges SchauSpielHaus Hamburg

Heißes Wasser für alle
By Gesine Danckwart (with use of some scenes from “Girlsnightout”)
Production of Theaterjugendclub “Sorry, eh!”
Leipzig, Saxony

Jason & Die Astronauten
Theaterkollektiv B14, Berufliches Gymnasium des Berufsschulzentrums für Elektrotechnik
Dresden, Saxony

Young Pathos Kollektiv
Munich, Bavaria

Ohne Worte
Theatergruppe HPCA and COG
Unterschleißheim, Bavaria

Sehnsucht ist…
JugendKULTURcafé Franzmann
Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia

Our congratulations and great appreciation go to all the young theatre makers who have applied to us this year with their exciting and creative theatre works. They testify to the commitment of the young artists and their love of theatre.  

Thank you very much for your applications!