Berliner Festspiele
Schaperstraße 24
10719 Berlin
Phone +49 30 254 89 0 (reception)
Fax +49 30 254 89 111
A division of
Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin (KBB) GmbH
Generalterms and conditions of the KBB
BerlinerFestspiele with GropiusBau
Hausder Kulturen der Welt
Managing Directors
Prof Dr Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (Director Haus der Kulturen der Welt)
Matthias Pees (Director Berliner Festspiele)
Charlotte Sieben (Managing Director, KBB GmbH)
Tricia Tuttle (Director Berlin International Film Festival)
Chairperson of Supervisory Board
Claudia Roth MdB
Minister of State for Culture and the Media
Trade Register
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
96 HRB 29357
Sales Tax Identification-Nummer
under § 27 a of the sales tax law
DE 136 78 27 46
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External websites linked with our offer of information are not to our responsibility. Even if external links have been checked at the time of linkage we do not have any impact on subsequent changes of addresses or contents and are not able to check this on a regular basis. Illegal or deficient content and information on such external websites are solely subject to liability of the website provider.
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Information about our privacy policy is available on the privacypolicy page of the KBB GmbH.
The festivals are responsible for the content.
Responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Head of Communication
Claudia Nola, Schaperstraße 24, 10719 Berlin
Frank Giesker
Kerstin Meenen
Design, Programming Website
3pc, CondatAG
Design, Programmierung Media Library
The Berliner Festspiele are funded by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media on the basis of a resolution of the German Parliament.
All Rights © Berliner Festspiele
Schaperstraße 24
10719 Berlin
Content is subject to change.
The KBB has been successfully certified by the EMAS– Eco-Management and Audit Scheme.