Hans-Werner Krösinger

Hans-Werner Krösinger © Hans-Werner Krösinger

Hans-Werner Kroesinger

Born in Bonn in 1962, he studied drama, theatre and media at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies at the University of Gießen, while already working as an assistant director and dramaturg for Robert Wilson. In 1989/90, Kroesinger contributed to Heiner Müller’s production of “Hamlet/Hamletmaschine” at Deutsches Theater Berlin as an artistic associate. At documenta X, his work “Don’t look now”, an investigation of the German Autumn, was presented as part of Theaterskizzen. Kroesinger is considered one of the principal representatives of documentary theatre. In his projects, he examines how people are determined by their political systems. By creating montages of original and literary texts, he alters his audiences’ perspective and perception.

His interdisciplinary projects, which include performances, installations, drama and music theatre productions, were created at Staatsoper Stuttgart, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin, Staatstheater Karlsruhe, HAU / Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin, Theater Augsburg and Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin (currently: “Musa Dagh”, 2015), among others. In 2007, Hans-Werner Kroesinger received the Brüder-Grimm-Award of the State of Berlin for his devised production “Kindertransporte”.

As of March 2016

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