Kathrin Röggla

Kathrin Röggla © Karsten Thielker

Kathrin Röggla

Born in Salzburg in 1971, she studied German philology and journalism, first in Salzburg and later in Berlin. Kathrin Röggla has been working successfully as a prose writer since the early 1990s, and started writing well-received radio plays in 1998. Apart from creating radio plays and acoustic installations with Bavarian Broadcasting, she was a member of the net-radio collective convextv, until it disbanded in 2001. She has been writing plays since 2002, which have premiered at Wiener Festwochen (“Draußen tobt die Dunkelziffer”, 2005 at Volkstheater Wien), at Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf (“wir schlafen nicht”, 2004), at Theater Freiburg (“worst case”, 2008) and at the festival steirischer herbst (“junk space”, 2004), among others.
Kathrin Röggla has received the Salzburg State Prize for Literature (1992), the Reinhard-Priessnitz-Prize and Meta-Merz-Prize (1995), the Bruno-Kreisky-Prize for Political Books (2004), the Solothurn Literature Award (2005), the Nestroy Theatre Award 2010 for Best Play (“worst case”), the Franz-Hessel-Award (2010) and the Arthur-Schnitzler-Prize in 2012.
She has been a member of the Berlin Academy of the Arts since 2012. In 2014, she was awarded the 3rd Lectureship of Poetics for Drama at Saarland University.
Since 2015, Kathrin Röggla has been Vice President of the Berlin Academy of the Arts.

As of May 2016.

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