Milo Tamez

Milo Tamez is a drummer, composer, researcher, educator and author. His current field of instrumental exploration focuses on the reciprocal relationships of the percussive body with the environment, the observation and study of cognitive and proprioceptive qualities within the field of creative compositional thought and its evolution in the development of identities. He has performed in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Chile. His artistic vision has very diverse influences ranging from 20th century contemporary music and electronic music, jazz, creative music and improvisation, experimental music, world percussion music; visual and plastic arts, dance, philosophy, anthropology and neurosciences. He has formed various pedagogical and research projects, continuously participating in exhibitions and academic conferences offering lectures and presentations, some of them at the MUSLAB Seminar at Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad (C3) at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), SME at Guelph University, CalArts LA, ACT UNAM, Universidad Austral in Valdivia Chile, Transplanted Roots Symposium, among others. His solo music and collaborations have been released on Amirani Records, Lexicon Records, Edgetone Records, NonJazz Records, Albany Records, Relative Pitch Records. He is currently working on the composition projects “Orcana” for chamber orchestra, the piece “Kinéō Au” for the Shilti ensemble, and preparing music for new ensemble projects of his own. He is also an associated creator-researcher at the 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos, in Mexico City.

Stand: January 2025