Modjgan Hashemian © Neda Navaee
As a choreographer, Modjgan Hashemian has been present and networked throughout Berlin and internationally with her work for many years. The leitmotifs of her artistic work include fragile communication and the search for common grounds for understanding, even across linguistic barriers; Spaces in which movement is subject to restrictions and, in its own urgency, has to open up counterworlds of development, in general: dominance structures under which people bend in the literal sense; Finally, the break with stereotypical (body) images and gender clichés. Hashemian's Iranian family context - her parents permanently moved to Germany after the revolution in 1979 - is always a reference and starting point for building bridges between German and Iranian society. In addition to her own productions, she works with Nurkan Erpulat, among others, in the field of spoken and musical theater. She works at the Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin and makes guest appearances at the Theater Thikwa, German National Theater Weimar, National Theater Baghdad/Iraq, Theater Regensburg, Staatsoperette Dresden as well as with the Guerrilla Architects and the I Collective. Hashemian was also a mentor at the Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT), and a multiple jury member at the Berlin Senate Departement for Culture, Draußenstadt and Tanztreffen der Jugend.
As of: August 2024