Liping Ting

The works of the interdisciplinary artist and musician Liping Ting (* in Taiwan, based in Taiwan and Paris) combine art, theatre, dance, literature, music and philosophy. She herself often uses the term ‘poésie d’action’. She came into contact with dance, including traditional Chinese dance traditions, at an early age through her mother. In Taipeh she first of all studied philosophy. In 1988 she went to France, where she studied applied drama studies first in Besançon and later at the Paris Sorbonne. In her thesis she traced a line from Samuel Beckett’s dramatic works, via the interdisciplinary art forms of the 1950s, to the work of John Cage. Both thinkers, as well as the Chinese poet and philosopher Zhuang-Zi, are very significant for Liping Ting’s artistic practice.

Her works often combine installation and performative elements with media (sound and video). She was active in the Topophonie movement, which dealt with experimental music and sound environments in urban spaces and nature. Her performances focus on multicultural communication, anthropology and social developments.

She has presented her work at numerous festivals in Europe, North America and China, such as Polysonneries (Lyon) in 1999, Polyphonix (Paris) in 2000, Inter Le Lieu (Quebec/Canada) and at the Fergus McCaffrey Gallery (New York) in 2017. As of 2018 she was a fellow of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program, participated in different festivals, i.a. mikromusik (DAAD) and Donaueschinger Musiktage, and presented her works in galleries and on exhibition.

As of February 2019

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