Antigone Akgün

Antigone Akgün © private

Antigone Akgün

Antigone Akgün works as a director and performer at German-speaking municipal and state theatres as well as in the independent theatre scene. After training as an actor in Greece, she studied theatre, film and media studies, Greek philology, classical archaeology and philosophy in Frankfurt and dramaturgy (MA) at the Hessian Theatre Academy. In her artistic practice, she deals with the overwriting of canonical literature and tries to make multiperspectivity audible and visible, for example as the author of ‘2069 - Das Ende der Anderen’ (Schauspielhaus Bochum, invited to the Heidelberg Stückemarkt 2020) or ‘NATHAN’ (Theater Regensburg). In 2021, she was nominated for the Hans Gratzer Scholarship at the Schauspielhaus Wien with her debut play ‘Das Erste Festmahl’, which sheds light on the experience of non-normative women's bodies. In 2022, she staged Bertolt Brecht's play fragment ‘Der Brotladen’ as her directorial debut at the Bremen Theatre and was invited to the Brecht Festival 2023. Further directing work followed at the Marburg State Theatre and Aachen Theatre, among others. She also has close ties to children's and youth theatre - she has been involved in the Theatertreffen der Jugend since 2018, initially as a young juror, and curated the AUGENBLICK MAL! - Festival des Theaters für junges Publikum in 2022/2023. She has already taught at several universities, including the Berlin University of the Arts and the Otto Falkenberg School in Munich.

Stand: February 2025