Philipp Oswalt © Christoph Petras
Philipp Oswalt, born 1964, is an architect and publicist in Berlin. From 1988–1994, he was editor of the architecture magazine “Arch+” and worked for OMA / Rem Koolhaas in 1996/97. In 1998, he won the 1st prize in the competition for the former women's concentration camp Ravensbrück (with Stefan Tischer and Stefanie Oswalt) which was partially realised. In 2000–2002, he was visiting professor at the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus and from 2001 to 2003, he was initiator and co-director of the European research project “Urban Catalyst”. He acted as co-initiator and co-curator of the cultural interim use of the Palast der Republik, “ZwischenPalastNutzung / Volkspalast” (2004) and was director of the project “Shrinking Cities” of the Federal Cultural Foundation (2002–2008). Since 2006, he has been Professor of Architectural Theory and Design at the University of Kassel. From 2009–2014, he was Director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and co-initiator of “projekt Bauhaus” 2015. Since 2016, he has been member of the Project Advisory Board for the founding of the documenta Institute in Kassel. He is the author and editor of numerous publications on contemporary architecture and urban development.
As of February 2019.