Begüm Erciyas (*1982, Turkey) was involved in various dance projects and became part of the performing arts research and project group [Laboratuar], while studying molecular biology and genetics in Ankara. She then obtained a degree in choreography from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD) in Austria. Since 2015, Begüm has been developing transdisciplinary formats which go beyond the frontal black box setting and invite each individual audience member to enter into a direct perceptual relationship with the work. The resulting tension between isolation and collectivity is always a central topic in her practice. Her work has been presented regularly by festivals and institutions including Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels, Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers and Pact Zollverein. She is artist-in-residence at DeSingel Antwerp from 2021 to 2026.