

Marlene Monteiro Freitas

Idiota in the glass case has a red apron and white gloves on and is pressing his open mouth and his nose flat against the glass. A cup is fixed at head height. Beneath it are three syringes drawn-up with coloured liquid.

idiota © Bea Borgers

A dance performance in a glass showcase: Inspired by the mythological figures, Marlene Monteiro Freitas slips as “Idiota” into Pandora’s box where the title character is confronted with questions about death and evil.

Please note: Stroboscopic light effects are used in the event "idiota".

Linchpin of Marlene Monteiro Freitas’s 2022 performance “idiota” is the limited space of a transparent and three dimensional box. Conceived and embodied by Marlene Monteiro Freitas herself, Idiota aims to mislead the audience before reuniting with it at the end.
At the origin of this creation by the Cape Verdean choreographer lies a dialogue between her work and that of the painter Alex Silva, who passed away in 2019 at the age of 45, and an artefact of Greek mythology. Pandora’s myth probably is first that surfaced as an answer to the age-old questions of human existence: Why do people get sick and die? Why do bad things happen? But although Pandora is often despised as the bringer of irreversible evil, she also brought fertility, since birth and death did not exist before she released them. Against this background, we follow Idiota sneaking into Pandora’s box in the desire to spy on Hope. But after reaching the core of the box, the title character’s senses and self-orientation will be fully assaulted, turning windows into mirrors, the door into a self-portrait. To escape Pandora’s box, Idiota must tackle these challenges.


Marlene Monteiro FreitasChoreography and performance
Hsin-Yi HsiangAssistance
Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Miguel Figueira, Yannick FouassierSpace
Yannick FouassierLighting
Rui AntunesSound
Marlene Monteiro FreitasCostumes

“idiota” is part of the festival „Performing Exiles” by Berliner Festspiele.Production: P.OR.K – Soraia Gonçalves, Joana Costa Santos, Lisbon Distribution | Distribution
Key Performance, Stockholm
Co-production: CNAD – Centro Nacional de Arte, Artesanato; e Design, Mindelo; Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels; Wiener Festwochen; Grec Festival de Barcelona; Festival de Automne à ParisSupport: Theatre of Freiburg; Mattatoio – Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, Rome