The seven Theatertreffen jury members stand in front of a door of a theatre auditorium and look into the camera.

The jury of the 2024 Theatertreffen: Katrin Ullmann, Martin Thomas Pesl, Eva Behrendt, Theresa Luise Gindlstrasser (until the end of 2023), Janis El-Bira, Sascha Westphal, Valeria Heintges © Stefan Wieland

The Jury for the 2024 Theatertreffen

The Theatertreffen-jury chooses the 10 remarkable productions invited to Theatertreffen and consists of seven theatre critics. These jurors are usually serving three years in succession. The jury is appointed jointly by the director of the Theatertreffen, the director of the Berliner Festspiele and the German Federal Cultural Foundation.