Discourse | TT Context


TT Context

What is the connection between cat calls and the gender pay gap? How do old, familiar images of masculinity and structural sexism relate to each other? Are we even able to cast off ways of living that we learned from a young age and shouldn’t the theatre pave the way regarding issues of equal opportunity policies? Beyond the confines of the stage, UNLEARNING Patriarchy asks whether it would not benefit us all to renegotiate established concepts of masculinity, fixed role images and crusty systems.


10:00, Bornemann Bar / Upper Foyer
Welcome Maria Nübling and Christina Zintl

11:00-12:30, Bornemann Bar / Upper Foyer
Bye-bye, Theatre Patriarchy!
<small>Impulse talks, round-tables and workshops by, with and for female theatre makers in collaboration with the Initiative Theater.Frauen</small>
With Anna Bergmann (Karlsruhe/Berlin), Nicola Bramkamp (Bonn), Christina Gassen (Berlin), Amina Gusner, Laura Kiehne, Dorothea Marcus (Cologne), Sandrine Micossé-Aikins (Berlin), Antje Prust (Berlin), Theresa Schlesinger (Hamburg), Bahareh Sharifi (Berlin), Charlotte Sieben (Berlin), Matthias Weigel (Berlin), Olivia Wenzel (Berlin), Franziska Werner (Berlin) as well as many representatives of Diversity.Arts.Culture– Berliner Projektbüro für Diversitätsentwicklung, ensemble-netzwerk, ProQuote Bühne, Theater.Frauen
Ever since the first conference of female theatre makers in Bonn in March of this year, it has been evident that there are several issues that need to be examined with reference to concrete options for action: Why are there still so few female artistic directors? How can you get your foot in the stage-door as a young female director? How can women in theatre professions build better networks? Where are the blanks, and what are the next steps?
Registration and further information under anmeldung@berlinerfestspiele.de

12:30-13:30, Bornemann Bar / Upper Foyer
Next Level Directorship
With Anna Bergmann (Theater Karlsruhe), Nicola Bramkamp (Theater Bonn), Franziska Werner (Sophiensæle, Berlin)
Moderation Anne Peter (nachtkritik.de)

14:30-15:00, Kassenhalle
Gender Inequality in the Theatre – Facts and Figures
<small>A culture-political update by Cornelie Kunkat (head of “Projektbüro Frauen in Kultur und Medien”, Berlin)</small>
In June 2016, the Deutscher Kulturrat (German Cultural Council) published a study entitled “Frauen in Kultur und Medien (Women in Culture and the Media)”, which chiefly discussed the lack of female representation in the cultural sector. Today, women still have a much more fragile representation in the theatre than men – both onstage and behind the scenes. What are the causes?

15:00-16:30, Kassenhalle
Practise What You Preach!?
<small>A conversation among the artistic directors of the theatres that produced the selection of ten on questions of equality in the theatre</small>
With Oliver Beckmann (Münchner Kammerspiele), Barbara Frey (Schauspiel Zürich), Thomas Oberender (Berliner Festspiele), Thomas Ostermeier (Schaubühne, Berlin)
Moderation Susanne Burkhardt (Berlin), Janina Benduski (Berlin)
We really want to know! What is the relationship between the facts and figures and the everyday practice? Together with the artistic directors of the theatres that produced this year’s selection of ten, we will take score of the score and do a self-test. How much patriarchy goes on in the theatres of the German-language region and what are the obstacles preventing the elimination of gender injustice?