Texts and Projects Invited to Stückemarkt 2020/2021

Against Separation: Five innovative, aesthetically and substantially challenging works addressed the Stückemarkt-motto in different ways and thus convinced the jury. 361 works from 63 countries were submitted in total.

Since the 2020 Stückemarkt could not take place, it was decided to invite the same selected artists again in 2021.


Laurence Dauphinais (Canada – Project)

“Aalaapi” depicts a marginalised group that is hardly ever given a voice: the Inuit. With great skill, Laurence Dauphinais, radio creator Marie-Laurence Rancourt and the two performers Nancy Saunders and Ulivia Uviluk have designed a quiet and poetic work that uses documentary material to tell the story of Indigenous artists who oscillate between different realities of life: from a large Canadian city to remote places behind the Arctic Circle. “Aalaapi” invites the audience to experience an open encounter with the unknown, pointing beyond any real or imagined boundary.

Laurence Dauphinais

Laurence Dauphinais

© Anne-Marie Baribeau

Coop (German: Zaun)

Sam Max (USA – Text)

In “Coop”, Sam Max creates the story of a girl who lives on a farm, trapped in ritualised acts and isolated from the outside world. The absorption by her parents, the strict rhythm of everyday life and the extreme constriction/loneliness result in a murderous pact that frees the protagonist from her prison. “Coop” asks questions about the viability of coexistence, about a decline in values and the price of emancipation in an America where isolation has long since become a reality.

Sam Max

Sam Max

© Anton Novoselov

Dreams in Blk Major

Ta-Nia – Talia Paulette Oliveras & Nia Farrell (USA – Text)

In a ritualised, musical and collaged form, Nia Farrell and Talia Paulette Oliveras wrote the manifest “Dreams in Blk Major” as a “celebration in five movements”. Starting from the concept of a space as a place of testimony, they consider the BPoC movement in the USA as an Afro-futuristic movement. The text opens up a space for solidary discourse that radically questions classism and racism.

Ta-Nia (Talia Paulette Oliveras & Nia Farrell)

Ta-Nia (Talia Paulette Oliveras & Nia Farrell)

© Bianca Rogoff

Midnight Movie

Eve Leigh (England – Text)

Written as a piece of autofiction, Eve Leigh’s “Midnight Movie” tells the story of a young woman who suffers from chronic pain. She spends her sleepless nights alone on the Internet, trying to escape reality tab by tab and story by story. The author skilfully combines descriptions of her own condition with stories from various Internet forums. “Midnight Movie” is a text of great sensitivity and poetry and reaches people whose physical absence in the theatre generally remains unquestioned.

Eve Leigh

Eve Leigh

© Anna Strickland


Jude Christian (England – Project)

In her biographical solo performance “Nanjing”, Jude Christian deals with the sources of her own origins and identity. She has created a focused show that addresses the gaps in European historiography and collective memory, working against oblivion when she asks: What would the individual be ready to die for? “Nanjing” is a personal plea for resistance and a call to write history together.

Jude Christian

Jude Christian

© Manuel Harlan